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Relationship Therapy


Relationship Therapy for couples & individuals of any sexual orientation or gender identity. 


Do you have a relationship issue that is pushing you away from your partner, family and/or friends? e.g. communication, porn use, sex issue, family drama...


Would you like to develop closer more meaningful relationships? 


Do you have a loving commitment to work through the issue (s)?

For couples this means BOTH being committed.


If yes, my therapy service is for you!

Beach Waves

Relationship Therapy/Couples Counselling


I offer a focused space to explore barriers to intimacy/ closeness in your relationship related to: communication, pornography, sexual communication or grief.


Many couples communicate to each other in survival mode or like a parent/child and don't realise it. The same argument seem to be repeated and this fuels resentment and frustration.  I have found too that most people don't fully understand masculine/feminine or push/pull dynamics within their relationship and this is often the underlying issue.


The use of pornography can have devastating consequences on a relationship. I can help you to understand what has happened and for you to both work through this barrier. â€‹


 I aim to be non-biased to work out the blocks for the growth of the relationship as this is different to working with each individual. 


Becoming aware of what is underneath conflict is the first step to creating understanding, acceptance and peace.  


Many couples, not all, benefit from some individual sessions to release emotional tension and heal trauma which is impacting the relationship. 


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Individual work

Trauma (Sexual & Non-sexual)

Trauma affects most relationships, if not all, and creates issues as you then spend you life moving around the trauma and not living to your highest potential.  It could originate in the form of childhood neglect, abandonment, early rejection or from the death of a parent in childhood (open, historic trauma). You may have body shame (covert trauma) or sexual trauma (mix of historic, overt or covert trauma). Trauma comes into most sessions in some form.


With any trauma, in particularly sexual trauma, it is so important that you feel you can trust me so the sessions may not start with the trauma. It is totally up to you. I want to be led by you and get to know you to build a trusting relationship. You may want to retell what happened and be believed or you may never want to talk about it at all. In the latter case, I can support you to release the emotions and heal the trauma without words or having to retelling of the story.


It is worth noting that I do not repeatedly go back into stories as that does not support healing.

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Grief & Loss

Grief and loss comes up in all relationship work. Grief needs to be expressed otherwise it can impact health and communication in your relationship. Loss is part of everyday life and small losses can trigger other losses that have not been emotionally expressed. 


Any grief or loss that is unexpressed has like a build up affect. It is called accumulative grief. I learnt a great deal about grief & loss working in Alder Hey Hospital with clients who had been affected by child death. Most significantly, I learnt that in every crisis/death there is also an opportunity to use this energy to be of service to yourself or another in a deeply meaningful and profound way.


When you have had a death of a loved one as a child this affects all relationships if the grief is unexpressed. Grief blocks love so it is then hard to feel connected to your loved one and use this connection in a beautiful way in your relationships.  I can help you reconnect you to your loved one, find ways to honour them and use their loving energy in your life.  

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Men's Issues & Porn/Sex Compulsivity 

I work a lot with men around issues related to grief, loss, porn use, sex/porn compulsion (addiction), infidelity, sexual anxiety, sexual performance issues, problems getting into relationships, communicating and expressing self in relationships.


I have compassion for men and the issues they face. There seems to be a lot of support for women but not as much for men. It is not as socially or culturally acceptable to express emotions or to seek help. Plus most are unaware of the dynamics of masculine and feminine energy so end up in relationships where they are not the masculine lead and feel powerless.

Therapy ~ My Approach


The term Therapy derives from the Greek words 'therapeia', the noun, and 'therapeuo', the verb. It has a primary meaning of 'service' 'cure' and 'obedience'.  I see this as a healing service to yourself that requires self-discipline and effective life tools; a professional may be required occasionally to guide you - just like a car sometimes needs a mechanic.


I use a mix of psychotherapy, counselling, coaching and life experiences in a space that is safe and non-judgemental. I value curiosity within a purposeful mix of active listening, relevant psycho-education and proven interventions. I focus on being an observer to help you understand the triggers and rational behind the behaviour of each person in the relationship. I can then invite 


I believe education offers transformation so that forms a key aspect of my approach.

I take a holistic approach as all aspects of you are interconnected: you body, your mind and your energy body. Of which, is influenced by your social and cultural background.

Hence, no one person on this planet is the same no matter what similar experience they have had. 


I find the dynamics of masculine and feminine (action/non action, giving/receiving) energy to be one of the most valuable concepts to explore as that often gives an understanding of the source of issues within a dynamics of freedom and control.


Relationship Therapy traditionally deals with understanding and overcoming issues/events from the past and how it is impacting the present 'here and now'. Whereas, coaching is more about change and action in the present so you are actively creating what you want in the future.

My approach is to help you gain wisdom from your past to inform your future choices. Then to focus on change through actions that will support you in your growth.

Beach Waves

Issues I have worked with recently in Relationship Therapy

relationship resentment


sex addiction/compulsivity

porn addiction/compulsivity

love addiction

performance anxiety

sexual anxiety

living with vaginismus/vulvodynia

grief & loss


managing anxiety


child death

sexual issues

health issues



family issues

work issues/stress

eating disorder

loss of identity

out of balance


feeling out of control

stuck in the drama triangle

business/life loss of direction

generally unhappy with life

domestic abuse


relationship issues/infidelity

spiritual awakening


lack of confidence/self esteem

childhood issues

unregulated emotions


crisis points

impact of suicide

developing sexual greatness

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